About Us

Unleashing Innovative IT Solutions for Success.

The magpier digital is a subsidiary company of the magpier established in 2021, registered in barry street, rosemont, illinois, united states, leading global communications marketing firm, enhanced by more than a hundred of talented employees. They are connecting, informing and creating inspiring work. We re-evaluate brands to broaden awareness, improve their global positioning and reconnect them with end-customers.

Our team

meet the minds shaping an industry

Shan Wolf

CEO, Colabrio Media

Leo Cooper

CEO, Colabrio Media

Stephan Lawrence

CEO, Colabrio Media
Our Projects


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Projects Completed
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In Progress
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Years of Experience
Our Ability

Meet the Professionals

At Magpier, we are a team of passionate and skilled professionals dedicated to providing top-notch digital solutions for businesses of all sizes. With years of experience in the industry, we have honed our expertise in various domains, making us your go-to partner for all your digital needs.





On Time Project Delivery
